Why Vim?


Why Vim?

So, I got this question again. I think it's better to write it once so I can use my own notes instead of a arguing again and again. Also it would be a note for myself to remember why I still use it.

Good words

It's personal. I like Vim and as many other programs. All of them are good for something. But... Again, it's personal. These next reasons are valuable to me, so that's why...

It works everywere. I'm working with a program code a lot. I have multiple development environments that I only access through SSH. Vim is easy to install and I know how to make it work with no configs, plugins, etc. Also my minimal .vimrc config lives under a version control so I can download it everywhere. I prefer to work with a remote file system remotely. Vim is good in this case. I don't like to learn hotkeys for every good editor. Maybe Vim has much more but I use limited set of them.

It has lots of configurations, plugins, color themes. I can change mappings, save them into .vimrc and use them on any machine. I don't do it often but I like to experiment with different settings. I have minimal config, config for coding, config for writing with different sets of plugins. I also like to change themes often.

The documentation is really well. It's alwas a pleasure to Vim's documentation. "A feature that isn't documented is a useless feature." -- Vim docs. See :h design-documented

Small and lightweight. Vim has really small latencies between key is pressed and got a result on screen. Vim don't eat my resources. It's really important to me.

I often use midnight commander, ranger, git. And I can use Vim with all of them as well as with any program or shell command that uses $EDITOR.

Newer doesn't mean Better. I always give a try to some other editors. Some of them are too slow, other have bugs or miss functions. Vim just works.

Vim is free and open source by the way.

Bad words

Also I have a few bad words about Vim.

It was hard to learn it. It took me about a month to start use it wisely. And I still learning it.

If you need other people to help you then choose some another editor. Not a big deal.

Vim is not so efficient if you need a lot of copy and paste in multiple files.

Once you get used to Vim, it becomes hard to use other editors.